As a researcher…
My interests lie within the field of robotics, cyberculture, and technology in theatre and performance. This interest developed during my time studying playwriting at the University of Iowa, where I found myself often writing plays featuring futuristic landscapes and robotic characters. I was fascinated at the notion of human/robotic interactions both in spaces of domesticity, labor, and scientific inquiry.
My latest peer reviewed article “From R.U.R. to Westworld: Personal Revolt, Digital Technology, and the Making of a New Robot Ur-text” will be published in Comparative Drama this winter. This article explores the ways HBO’s Westworld (2016-2022) calls back to Karel Capek’s formative robot play R.U.R., specifically in its treatment of robotic self-consciousness as a narrative trope, inspiring subsequent rebellion against humans. The article argues that while R.U.R. establishes a particular genre-based Ur-text in which robots rebel against their human counterparts, Westworld continues the development of this narrative exploration of rebellion, becoming a new robot-Ur-text for the digital age.
The Robothespian, manufactured at Engineered Arts, UK